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Saturday, February 7, 2009

15 Bean Soup Disaster : (

I didnt bring anything much home for Christmas which meant that I had two suitcases to fill up with 50lbs of groceries ( thanks Mom and Dad) that are hard to find in Canada. One of the things i was looking forward to the most was 15 bean soup. I had been bragging about how good it is to people here. In keeping with tradition I wanted to wait till it got a little cold before having it for dinner.

I thought -15F was good enough. So I checked the directions and I am supposed to soak the beans for at least 8 hours, so I do it for 12. Then it says cook on low for 2 hours, sounds easy enough. After about three hours I cant wait any more and its dinner time so i serve myself up a big bowl of the soup, and the beans were still hard! For the rest of the night I play with the soup with varrying temperatures and the lid on the pot on and off untill finally I forget about it for long enough for all the water to boil out. Atleast the beans are fully cooked now and I have enough 15 bean paste to make lots of leftovers. They are good on nachos.

Monster Jam

Thanks to Christmas gifts from Memaw and Paw Paw me and my cousin John got to go to this years monster truck show at the Georiga dome. It was so awesome!! The night started off with the monster truck raqces, followed by some 4 wheeler freestyle. These guys were doing back flips on them, its was crazy. Then came the event that I laughed my head off the entire time, trailer racing. This is where some destrcution derby type cars raced around the track. The rules were they had to be pulling a trailer with a load and thye had to finish the race with the load to win. Right from the start these guys were just rippin it around the corners and it wasnt long untill porta potties, refrigerators, and all kinda of things were spread out all over the track. Then the next round of cars came by and plowed into the debris creating even more carnage.

The last event is the one i was most lookin forward to, Freestyle! The drivers each have a limited time to run those crazy trucks right on the edge of out of control while trying to get the biggest air, and do the sweetest tricks. There was several tires and wheels that feel off and trucks that flipped over while catching fire, it was awesome! Last run of the night, Grave Digger. He won the freestyle and the race event that night.