I didnt bring anything much home for Christmas which meant that I had two suitcases to fill up with 50lbs of groceries ( thanks Mom and Dad) that are hard to find in Canada. One of the things i was looking forward to the most was 15 bean soup. I had been bragging about how good it is to people here. In keeping with tradition I wanted to wait till it got a little cold before having it for dinner.
I thought -15F was good enough. So I checked the directions and I am supposed to soak the beans for at least 8 hours, so I do it for 12. Then it says cook on low for 2 hours, sounds easy enough. After about three hours I cant wait any more and its dinner time so i serve myself up a big bowl of the soup, and the beans were still hard! For the rest of the night I play with the soup with varrying temperatures and the lid on the pot on and off untill finally I forget about it for long enough for all the water to boil out. Atleast the beans are fully cooked now and I have enough 15 bean paste to make lots of leftovers. They are good on nachos.